Te Taiao - Our approach to caring for the natural world
Care for land & water

We take a systems approach to managing fresh water and soils on our farms. We recognise that while each farm is unique in its environment, the challenges we face are the same across the motu.
Some of what we are doing.
- Regular testing for nitrogen, phosphorus, eColi, and sediment in our key waterways.
- Stream health assessments to help us understand the impact of farming (and other) practices in the catchment on water quality.
- Trialling technology to support stock exclusion and implementing riparian planting plans for waterways, wetlands and protected areas.
- Supporting erosion control through thoughtful plantings.
- Producing Farm Environment Plans for every farm, which will include Freshwater Farm Plans (when required).
- Use of GIS technology to optimise soil health.
- Regular soil chemistry tests and Visual Soil Assessments to understand what and where improvements to soil health can be made.
- End-to-end agronomy practices that focus on site selection, crop husbandry, grazing and post-grazing management.
- Comprehensive to-scale mapping of soils, slope, Land Use Classification (LUC), waterways and protected areas.
- Digital recording of management practices in FarmIQ to build and evidence key environmental datasets.