Pāmu News

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Pamu deer milk enters cosmetic market in South Korea

Pamu deer milk enters cosmetic market in South Korea

Pāmu (Landcorp Faming Limited) will be signing a groundbreaking partnership with South Korea’s top pharmaceutical company Yuhan to supply Pāmu deer milk for its range of cosmetic products. This is the first time New Zealand deer milk has been sold for use in the beauty industry.

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Journalists and media professionals are welcome to contact our media team for information on our campaigns or to arrange an interview. We have a range of staff across New Zealand who are available to speak about our vision, strategy and specific farming practices. To get in touch with our spokespeople or for media queries, please contact: Kara Tait, Head of Communications & Engagement.
M: +64 021 240 7827
T: +64 (04) 831 9796